Best Desi Bazar Featured
Best Desi Bazar offers all kind of grocery items like Halal Meat, Fish, fresh and frozen Vegetables, all kinds of household commodities, high rating Calling Cards, rent and sell Indian, Pakistani, Bengali Movies, Dramas, Songs in DVDs, and Songs in CDs, and Islamic Manifest like The Holy Quran with translation in many languages in paper books, DVDs, MP3, and through other media. We also carry Yaseen Shareef, Durud Shareef, Noorani Qaida, and other Islamic Books, Pray Mat, Miswak, Islamic Cap, Aazaan Alarm Clocks, Islamic posters and Wall Clocks, Islamic car decoration Pieces, and Tasbeeh (beed) etc.Address
14455 Jefferson Davis Highway, Woodbridge, 22191, VA, USA
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