Indian Muslim Association
This Association was established in 1979. The Indian Muslim business community has beenpresent in Hong Kong since the time of the arrival of the British. It is one of the fourconstituents (the other three being Islamic Union of Hong Kong, Pakistani Association ofHong Kong and Hong Kong Dawoodi Bohra Association) of the Incorporated Trustees ofthe Islamic community of Hong Kong, an umbrella body of Hong Kong Muslims toadminister and look after the maintenance and upkeep of Muslim cemeteries and coordinatewith the Hong Kong Government authorities on Muslim religious affairs. The IndianMuslim Association actively participates in the affairs of the Kowloon Mosque and IslamicCentre, and took a leading role in the reconstruction of the Kowloon Mosque. Some of thePriests (Qazis) at the Mosque in the past have been from India. Most of the Association’ssenior members are businesspersons originally from Tamil Nadu. Some of them are activelyassociated with the Tamil Cultural Association. The Association and its members have madeimportant contributions to various facets of Hong Kong and India, in fields ranging fromeducation to business.Telephone
852.9350.6056, +852.2525.6060